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7 septembre 2012

Dette er de teknologiske grunner for refinansiering

Nå fra innlevering fristen også to eller tre dager, lærer vi uansett hvor hardt produserer ikke noen innvirkning, hovedsakelig stole på regjeringen så lære å organisere et eget team vil bli utforme en stand på vegne air max bw av det innenlandske photovoltaic bedrifter uttalelse i kveld (4 dager) etter ferdigstillelse av lese ut i møtet i morgen (5) av Ministry of Commerce, vil bli distribuert til EU. " 
Sendt struktur fra første halvdel av 2012, er det europeiske markedet fortsatt den største andelen, for eksempel, stod for nesten 70% av Yingli, Artes står for nesten 50 prosent. 
finansiering vanskeligheter fortsatt gjeldende PV selskapene står overfor et vanlig problem, 2012 og øker med forverring av markedssituasjonen. Jiangxi mange små og mellomstore bedrifter er gradvis trekke seg. 
Det er rapportert at den innenlandske fotovoltaiske Yingli, Suntech, Artes, Zevi, SkyTeam og andre ledende bedrifter, hvert år over 300 millioner lån, balansestyring ratio på opptil 80%, den innenlandske fotovoltaiske industrien, 
Shift fra direkte levering av komponenter for å gi den totale løsningen, men også risikoavers måte. Air Max 90 "Så er direkte tilgjengelig komponenter, tilbyr nå en total løsning, som for eksempel bygging av kraftstasjonen, taket systemet, og så videre. 
I tillegg til den positive reaksjon EU ', politikken nivå opptrapping innføringen av mottiltak er også EU' offisielt danner europeiske polysilisium anti- dumping etterforskning vil også inn i den virkelige driftsprosedyrer. 
Toll data viser at, sammenlignet med samme periode i fjor, fra januar til mai i år, gjennomsnittlig enhetspris på innenlandske import av polysilisium fra $ 300 når de høyeste / kg falt til mindre enn $ 30 / kg, ned 90%. Andelen av import fra Europa, USA Nike RFLT , Sør-Korea og andre regioner.


Teknologisk forklaring er at "selskapet vil utvikle strategier for å justere for bygging av store og mellomstore photovoltaic kraftverk, for å danne en photovoltaic celle og modul produksjon, EPC design, air max 90 konstruksjon fullstendig industriell kjede. 
, men hver av de installerte kapasitet på photovoltaic kraftverk er relativt små, fem store makt grupper mindre sannsynlig å stole på sin egen styrke til å gjøre, men samarbeid med den komponenten anlegget eller utviklerne du utviklet. 
"Dette er de teknologiske grunner for refinansiering." Forskning gjennom teknologisk en forvalter sier selskapet i slutten av juni i år nike roi nettopp ferdig 8 milliarder i gjeld finansiering, 
faktisk, det innenlandske fotovoltaiske industrien har overkapasitet. Ned homestretch forholdet er nødvendig for å kjempe, kjempe penger. Det er ikke nok penger i fondet manager synes å gjøre photovoltaic kraftverk det er lett å falle der. 
Li Technology kunngjorde 1. september lovet Wang Boksing kumulative totalt teknologiske aksjer 25 506 aksjer i sin direkte holdt 97,23% av aksjene i selskapet, tn representerer 53.07% av den totale aksjekapitalen i selskapet, 
ifølge statistikken fra International Energy Agency (IEA), verdens ti beste solcelle-produsenter, sju kinesiske fastlandsbedriftene. EUs lansert en anti-dumping etterforskning, eller vil føre til . en omfattende handel krig mellom Kina og EU 
britiske Financial Times 3 september lederartikler "og" anti-dumping "uønsket" og advarte: "EU bør vurdere den generelle interessen for bruk av handel forsvar, i stedet for å vurdere bare interessene av bransjen, nike tn requinen konkurranse med importerte produkter.

7 septembre 2012

I tillegg til den positive reaksjon EU

En fotovoltaiske industrien forsker fortalte reportere, air max 90 ikke denne tilnærmingen ikke løse PV industrien som helhet boom nedgang, bare i stand til å midlertidig løse problemet, "å bygge kraftverk har to moduser. 
Den ansvarlige personen sa, med et stort prosjekt , utvikling og Reform Commission fortsatt foretrekker og fem samarbeid. "Private selskaper må gjøre først hånd samarbeid er vanskelig, 
"Dette er de teknologiske grunner for refinansiering." Forskning gjennom teknologisk ett fond manager sa at selskapet i slutten av juni i år nike roi nettopp ferdig 8 milliarder i gjeld finansiering, 
Virksomheten er kjøpt fra Wang Boksing hender i fjor, Wang Boxing forpliktelse til ytelsen garanti, nå bruke investorenes penger til Lee Teng Hui kapital, at de opprinnelige resultatene av Wang Boksing engasjement bør også være det samme for å øke andelen, ellers er det en "self-håndtering" av også. " 
Li Technology annonserte 1. september, lovet Wang Boksing kumulative totalt teknologiske aksjer 25 506 aksjer i sin direkte holdt 97,23% av aksjene i selskapet, tn representerer 53,07% av den totale aksjekapitalen i selskapet, 
ifølge statistikken fra International Energy Agency (IEA), verdens ti beste solcelle-produsenter, sju kinesiske fastlandsbedriftene. EUs lansert en anti-dumping etterforskning, eller vil føre til en omfattende handel krig mellom Kina og EU. 
17. august Jiangxi LDK PV Silicon Teknologi, Luoyang Sino-silisium high-tech, Chongqing Daqo New Energy, nike tn requin Jiangsu Zhongneng Silicon fellesskap sende en søknad til Ministry of Commerce,


Selv om det er fortsatt to dager å gjøre et siste forsøk på, i mange PV industrien innsidere, er resultatet ikke optimistisk. Kina Renewable Energy Society, air max bw tror at visepresident Meng XianGan av. 
EUs anti-dumping, når etablert, vil ikke bare kinesiske solenergiselskaper miste over $ 20 milliarder eksport, og vil resultere i tap av over 350 milliarder yuan av utgangsverdi. 
finansiering vanskeligheter fortsatt gjeldende solenergiselskaper står overfor et vanlig problem, 2012 og øker med forverring av markedssituasjonen. Jiangxi mange små og mellomstore bedrifter er gradvis trekke seg. 
'Boots nesten aldri gitt, men den fotovoltaiske industrien organisasjoner og bedrifter forventer resultater kan ikke være optimistisk, har vært å gjøre forberedelser. Zhengrong Shi, Suntech Power Holdings Co 
Shift fra direkte levering av komponenter for å gi den totale løsningen, men også risikoavers måte. luft 90 max "Så er direkte tilgjengelig komponenter, tilbyr nå en total løsning, som for eksempel bygging av kraftverket , taket systemet, og så videre. 
I tillegg til den positive reaksjon EU ', politikken nivå opptrapping innføringen av mottiltak er også EU' offisielt danner europeiske polysilisium dumpingundersøkelse vil også inn i den virkelige driftsprosedyrer. 
Tong Wei Group styreformann av styret Liu Hanyuan hadde fortalt Kina Securities Journal reporter, Nike RFLT sa den europeiske polysilisium anti-dumping tur, som led de mest alvorlige innenlandske fotovoltaiske industrien kjeden polysilisium lenker vil være et stort pluss ,

26 août 2012

low-tech, labor-intensive products

  1. In the process of Globalization, tn work in China should also be in the global flows of possible participation in the United States, Brazil or Russia agriculture.
    the completion of the pressure on resources and the environment industrial power transformation of the industrial powers, can meet increasingly higher cost of production factors, the income gap is widening
  2. For example, in the year from June 2009 to June 2010, hina imported iron ore futures prices have doubled doubled. Consumption hinese thermal coal power, air max 90 energy comparable seel, the overall energy consumption of cement, the overall energy consumption Vinyl is 15% higher than the international advanced level.
  3. Third, the growing gap.
    The widening gap in the process of improving the level Dechine reform
    the market economy, social wealth, rapid growth, but it is undeniable that, gradually expanding the income gap, and in a time period relatively shorter the automatic convergence trend is not yet clear, mainly as follows: Overall resident income gap is widening from year to year, the income gap between the incomes of urban and rural residents, in come regional income industry, urban at all levels within the constant expansion. per capita income is a common phenomenon in the process
  4. Therefore, in order to promote the sustainable development of industrial economy China, in order to achieve our industrial powers is power industrial front, air max bw to prevent the spread of these gaps.
  5. And some local governments are primarily concerned with the region's GDP and growth of tax revenue Finally, after the reform of the financial system, interest rates and exchange rates is difficult to play a leverage structure guide adjustment.
  6. Leading role of foreign investment can also weakened in a fast growing industry, it are a number of multinational companies in the air max bw pas cher same industry in fierce competition in the Chinese market
  7. Some people in the industry have different views in an interview with this reporter, but you can be sure,tn China's manufacturing industry, especially the low-end and mid-range manufacturing sector will face more intense competition
    Renowned German sports brand Adidas footwear products under 97% of the production comes from Asia. Although China has the largest proportion of 35%, but the proportion is decreasing. Vietnam has for the second, accounting for 29%, Indonesia 26%. Cambodia's share more than doubled in 2011.
    but it is difficult to determine whether these foreign withdrawal from China, because the data show that foreign investment into China is still strong performance.air max bw The recent slowdown in foreign investment to China may be due to the severe economic slowdown in China, as well as the global economic situation, rather than Southeast Asia replace.
    Some analysts pointed out, many Japanese companies to set up factories in Southeast Asia, in order to cut costs in China, to diversify production and reduce dependence on a single manufacturing base to avoid similar losses brought about by the Thailand floods and the earthquake and tsunami in Japan last year.
    HSBC Managing Director and co-head of Asian economic research and chief Greater China economist Qu Hongbin said the reporter,nike tn the recent decline in China's manufacturing export orders,
    For the EU, the crux of the European debt crisis fire burn more intense. The first performance of the debt crisis for the PIIGS countries financially strapped verge of bankruptcy,
    low-tech, labor-intensive products, the EU economic contraction rejection of the demand for imported consumer goods. In addition,nike tn requin the RMB appreciation and rising raw material prices are also to some extent weaken the comparative advantage on the price of Chinese exports.
26 août 2012

Deutsche Welle website quoted Chinese agricultural expert Yao prison complex

according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), foreign direct investment flows to Southeast Asia in 2011 to $ 117 billion, an increase of 26% over the previous year, while in China This tn growth rate over the same period is less than 8%.
"Same clothes procurement million to the EU countries, 'Made in China' and 'Cambodia' cost very different. Example, the implementation of MFN and non-MFN import duties in Italy. Production in China for a cost of $ 10 pants exported to Italy, Italy to levy import duties of 12.5%,
but it is difficult to determine whether these foreign withdrawal from China, because the data show that foreign investment into China is still strong performance.air max bw The recent slowdown in foreign investment to China may be due to the severe economic slowdown in China, as well as the global economic situation, rather than Southeast Asia replace.
Some contact with European and American companies, market participants said the reporter, foreign investment is also no large-scale shift from China, but Chinese have to address the possible changes,
Some contact with European and American companies, market participants said the reporter,nike tn foreign investment is also no large-scale shift from China, but Chinese have to address the possible changes, especially changes in China's labor market advantage, timely adjustment passive to initiative.
For the EU, the crux of the European debt crisis fire burn more intense. The first performance of the debt crisis for the PIIGS countries financially strapped verge of bankruptcy,
told this reporter that the present situation, the European debt crisis did not have a significant impact on the EU's overall trade,nike tn requin this is because the European debt crisis affecting mainly the EU is relatively small economies or countries with lower dependence with other economies.

  1. Deutsche Welle website quoted Chinese agricultural expert Yao prison complex, tn a then pointed out that the income gap in rural areas of résidents engaged in rural income gap income differentials in urban labo rand rural embodies indirect.
    sustainable long term industrial economy China has created a miracle in the history of the world, but also accumulated a lot of problems in the process to achieve the strategic objectives of growth economic
  2. The next ten years, with the increasing pressure esources and the environment, resource prices will rise, will increase nvestment in environmental protection, economic costs air max 90 peration will increase.
  3. Eleventh Five-Year "period, the relative value of cities to create jobs,growth and rural growth in the supply of labor has changed. From 2006 to 2009, China migrant workers average annual growth rate of 3.6%,
  4. This contradiction will the major challenges of economic and social development of China's industrial, air max bw will increase the difficulty of the formulation and implementation of policies.
  5. Participation in the economic globalization, however, development opportunities, while opposite new risks, how to promote both institutional and ideas for adapt international standards, the promotion of economic development and ensure security national economic
  6. Leading role of foreign investment can also weakened in a fast growing industry, it are a number of multinational companies in the air max bw pas cher same industry in fierce competition in the Chinese market
26 août 2012

Chinese exports to the EU are mostly low value-added,

  1. In the process of Globalization, tn work in China should also be in the global flows of possible participation in the United States, Brazil or Russia agriculture.
    The continued expansion of the income gap may lead to volatility
    macro, which have a negative impact on economic growth in the long term, but also cause a potentially very serious threat to the stability of the entire community.
  2. For example, in the year from June 2009 to June 2010, hina imported iron ore futures prices have doubled doubled. Consumption hinese thermal coal power, air max 90 energy comparable seel, the overall energy consumption of cement, the overall energy consumption Vinyl is 15% higher than the international advanced level.
  3. Can be found on the rate of growth of labor supply and demand structure is a significant change in Industrial Development of China "unlimited supply of labor" conditions are disappearing,
  4. At present, there are still some changes in institutional weaknesses hindering their development can be summarized in four main categories: first, air max bw the formation mechanism of resource prices is not reasonable and reflect the scarcity of resources,
  5. will be a major test. Open economy of China is one develop more sensitive to the influence of various factors at home and abroad. In this case, how to meet the challenges of the new era of economic development China of various national and international uncertainty and instability.
  6. Leading role of foreign investment can also weakened in a fast growing industry, it are a number of multinational companies in the air max bw pas cher same industry in fierce competition in the Chinese market
  7. An annual survey report conducted by UNCTAD in 2012, Indonesia and Thailand ranked significantly improved in by multinationals vote to host the most popular Report that, due to the East Asian countries.
    the young Vietnamese population structure, low labor costs than China, Vietnam manufacturing development advantage. However, the reporter found in the survey, clothing and shoes most of the enterprises investing in Southeast Asia still import equipment from China, and some imported fabrics from China, still quite dependent on the "Made in China".
    However, Standard Chartered Bank head of research in Asia Xuchang Tai said the reporter, and was not observed in air max bw the large-scale transfer of manufacturing from China to Southeast Asia. He said foreign investment in the Southeast Asian manufacturing rise,
    such as the world's largest tire manufacturer Bridgestone, Matsushita Electric Group have set up factories in Vietnam. Allegedly, unskilled workers wages in Vietnam usually only the southern 1/3 to half. As the world's leading brand of camera lens, Tamron established its first overseas factory in Foshan City of the Pearl River Delta, China, and now the company plans to invest $ 13 million plant near Hanoi.
    HSBC Managing Director and co-head of Asian economic research and chief Greater China economist Qu Hongbin said the reporter,nike tn the recent decline in China's manufacturing export orders,
    According to Chinese customs statistics, the total imports and exports between China and the European Union in July this year, about $ 48 billion, down 8.9% year-on-year, China's exports to the EU of $ 29.37 billion,
    As far as China is concerned, labor costs continue to rise, nike tn requin the gradual weakening of the comparative advantage of labor. Chinese exports to the EU are mostly low value-added,
25 août 2012

Some contact with European and American companies

"One thing I do engagement four years ago, because in general, the organization and reporting of people did not expect to be so worried." tn August 20, Qidong County magistrate Lei Gaofei accept China Youth Daily reporter interviewed, said.
In the number of Internet users, not lazy, not for sordid gain, not strong, and not the whole person "are ordinary civil servants are obliged to respect the bottom line at work,
"I resist the temptation? Firstly, I am not,air max bw and now the people's democratic conscience and literacy are high as you dare public commitment that there will be much to pick up your diseases, all eyes are staring at you.
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Nowadays, the government is increasingly popular in some places even as the important achievements of reform and innovation to promote public tn requin Government departments in accordance with a public commitment, Jiannuo, can be described as a big step forward,
to ensure that does not "cut corners" to reduce the procedural aspects, not "creative play" to fight the legal edge ball , leading cadres must not the subjective wishes chaos racking our brains decision-making.
an important deployment.air max 90 In the 20 years of the struggle against corruption, the Research Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Li Xueqin accept Xinhua News Agency reporters.


Some people in the industry have different views in an interview with this reporter, but you can be sure,tn China's manufacturing industry, especially the low-end and mid-range manufacturing sector will face more intense competition
Is slightly Rui Chen, Jun policy management consulting partner, vice president, told reporters that Chinese labor, capital and exchange rate costs rise quickly, "three bonus is disappearing, which led to some multinational companies" fought "Southeast Asia. In addition, some Southeast Asian countries are also seeking to develop their own manufacturing sector.
Chinese manufacturers are no longer just for export production,air max bw China's domestic demand is playing an increasingly important role.
Some contact with European and American companies, market participants said the reporter, foreign investment is also no large-scale shift from China, but Chinese have to address the possible changes,
Some contact with European and American companies, market participants said the reporter,nike tn foreign investment is also no large-scale shift from China, but Chinese have to address the possible changes, especially changes in China's labor market advantage, timely adjustment passive to initiative.
Can be drawn through the data to a common conclusion: China's exports to the EU this year showed a significant downward trend. Why?
told this reporter that the present situation, the European debt crisis did not have a significant impact on the EU's overall trade,nike tn requin this is because the European debt crisis affecting mainly the EU is relatively small economies or countries with lower dependence with other economies.

25 août 2012

China is manufacturing countries and Southeast Asian manufacturing is not particularly distinguishable

A magistrate has an account in common, but because four no" commitment and a summary of the ICAC, the recent tn high-profile newsmakers.
Lei Gaofei think they should honor the promises made. In the debriefing report, he said, "Over the last 4 years, not construction, land transfer tax, real estate development and management and other economic activities for personal or accept their subordinate units,
I said "Qidong in this moment, I am engaged, but I will be corrupt,air max bw do not come to this point, I can not find." Lei Gaofei said.
If you are not greedy for money, private money, people will say that hypocrisy person to the General Assembly on the commitment. '
Nowadays, the government is increasingly popular in some places even as the important achievements of reform and innovation to promote public tn requin Government departments in accordance with a public commitment, Jiannuo, can be described as a big step forward,
damage the credibility of the long run it will seriously affect the government's reputation and public opinion, government departments make a commitment to take measures to ensure that the commitments honored, not because of the commitment a result of changes in the commitments to become a dead letter.
Commitments must take the initiative. The reason why some local commitment, mainly used stalling tactics "forced".air max 90 I suggest that the Government's commitment to take the initiative,


according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), foreign direct investment flows to Southeast Asia in 2011 to $ 117 billion, an increase of 26% over the previous year, while in China This tn growth rate over the same period is less than 8%.
trousers tax with this price is $ 11.25, while the same pair of pants production in Cambodia, exported to Italy after the cost is $ 10. "Zhengsheng Zhong told reporters. "factory moved to Cambodia, the cost can be reduced by about 10%."
Chinese manufacturers are no longer just for export production,air max bw China's domestic demand is playing an increasingly important role.
Rui Chen said, China is manufacturing countries and Southeast Asian manufacturing is not particularly distinguishable, more competitive relationship.
HSBC Managing Director and co-head of Asian economic research and chief Greater China economist Qu Hongbin said the reporter,nike tn the recent decline in China's manufacturing export orders,
the European Union and the International Monetary Fund had to lend a helping hand to Greece, Ireland and Portugal. But the debt crisis has not been alleviated, but continue to spread to countries such as Spain and Italy, and trigger a banking crisis hurt the real economy, and gradually evolved into a vicious cycle between the three.
Ericson said, has undergone profound changes since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, China-EU trade. EU exports of light industrial products have fallen tn requin However, it now appears that China's export industries in the global industrial chain has become increasingly more climbing to high end.

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